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About our language teams

The multilingual platforms of the website are supported and enhanced by an international team of dedicated volunteers who are fluent in English and a target language. Our Language Teams play an important role in ensuring that our site is always up-to-date and culturally relevant for our non-English speaking members, and we are very grateful to be collaborating with so many passionate young leaders! Our language teams are composed of a Language & Engagement Coordinator, who is there to support our Volunteer Translators, Content Researchers & Editors, and Language Platform Facilitators & Moderators. The Multilingual teams as a whole are supported by TakingITGlobal's Multilingual Programs Manager and other members of the staff.

"As I'm really interested in intercultural communication and foreign languages, TIG is the definite platform to actively use the skills I have acquired throughout my studies, my internships and my life."

—Stefan, TIG's German Language & Engagement Coordinator
  • Rosbin Bardales,
    Multilingual Volunteer Management Assistant

    Rosbin was born in La Ceiba, Honduras and has an Honours B.A. in Political Science and one in International Law, specializing in race and poverty relations. His goal is to advocate for human rights and social development. Always in the front-lines of ensuring that vulnerable marginalized individuals reach their full potential. The rest of his time is dedicated to combining eclectic sounds to create dope music.

  • Liam O'Doherty,
    Digital Youth Engagement Program Director

    Liam is a community organizer with a background in sociology, semiotics, improvisation and environmental issues. When he is not connecting and mobilizing youth with innovative solutions to global challenges, he enjoys riding bikes, swimming to music, cooking without recipes and drinking copious volumes of tea.

  • M B,
    French Engagement Coordinator

    Maria joins us as a summer intern between studying International Relations at Sciences Po in Reims, France, and starting her last year of undergraduate studies on exchange at King's College London. Born in Romania but a resident Torontonian, she speaks fluent English, French, Romanian, and hopefully one day Ancient Greek. Maria is a history buff and secretly pretends to be Owl from Winnie the Pooh.

  • Kaisa Partanen,
    Multilingual Volunteer Management Assistant

    Kaisa is originally from Finland, and she moved to Canada in 2007 to pursue her post-secondary studies. She is currently completing her last semester of graduate degree in French Studies program at York University. Some of her interests are linguistics, education and multiculturalism. Curious about different cultures, she has travelled in various countries and learned five languages. In her free time, she likes to cook, snowboard and learn new things!

  • Brandon Wallace,
    Global Issues Managing Coordinator


Our Coordinators

  • Sira,
    French Language & Engagement Coordinator

    Sira joined TIG in 2005 and has been living in Toronto since 2011 (from France). Her studies include Communication and Cultural Mediation and Supply Chain Management (Buying, Procurement, Logistics). She supports TIG’s values and continues to contribute to strengthening Intercultural Dialogue within the organization.

  • Angela Ferrari,
    Italian Language & Engagement Coordinator

    Hello everyone! I'm Angela, the Language & Engagement Coordinator for the Italian group. I'm 26, I live in Cordignano (TV), Italy, and I'm attending the second year of my Master of Science in Integrated Communications for business at the University of Udine. I am on my second experience as a volunteer with TakingITGlobal online and I am so glad to be a part of the multilingual team again.

  • Michael Awiti,
    Swahili Translator

    Michael was born in Nairobi, Kenya and joined TIG in 2004. Michael is a trained engineer and addiction counselor who loves volunteering. He possesses wealth of experience from Operation Smile,International Federation of Blue Cross,Presidential Award Scheme and the Kenya Red Cross Federation. Currently one of leading Volunteer Blood Donors. He has a passion for Peace, Health, Women/Children and Youth.”Volunteering is a bug and it’s infectious”.

  • Lawrence Lin,
    Multilingual Outreach Coordinator

    Lawrence is a student who is passionate about changing the world through raising awareness and taking actions towards Global Issues. His involvements began in grade 7, when he competed in an International Film competition held by the World Food Programme. This opportunity inspired him to reach out and learn more about the issues that our world is facing. Being involved in solving these global issues has made him more of a global citizen and made him realize the passion towards filmmaking and presenting.

  • Farzana Yesmin,
    Bengali Language Coordinator

    I was raised in Bangladesh, immigrated to Canada in 2005. I’m Masters in Social Science (major in Anthropology) from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh as well as multiples graduate and post-graduate diplomas. I am interested working with human rights, Community development, women and youth issues and to be a part of the social development community, which encouraged me to join with TIG team.